Linking two mendix applications

How can I redirect to another mendix application from one mendix application where the application I am redirecting to, won’t ask for login and directly take me to the homepage using my credentials from the base application?
2 answers

The standard way to do this is to use single sign-on. Once you implement some form of SSO in your apps, then users will see a login page in the first app, but get automatically get logged into subsequent apps that they visit.

If your users are employees then you likely have an identity provider already available (often Azure AD). If not, you can also consider using MendixSSO, where users will user their Mendix identity to log into your app. Or, if you prefer social logins, you could consider implementing Google social login as covered in this blog post.

The modules you might use from the marketplace are MendixSSO, SAML, or OIDC.


Yes SSO only, Or Use External Entities
