Hi all, I’m currently using Grid Cell Styler (https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/106254) to change certain rows of my data grid based on the value of one of the variables within the grid. When a certain variable contains “COMPLETE” the row should be normal, when it doesn’t, it should be a different color. I’ve managed to get the text color to change to “warning” using the below settings. However when I try to do the same thing but for the background, nothing happens. The above code changes nothing about how the grid looks. Note: I am not trying to apply both of these things at the same time, I am deleting the first rule before I attempt the second. I only want to change the background of the cells in the selected rows. I would assume that I should be able to put any of the Mendix styles (https://docs.mendix.com/howto/front-end/styles) into the “class to apply” box and have them work, but none of the background related ones work, and only a few of the text ones work. Is there an additional setting I need to change? Many thanks
Hartley Robinson
1 answers
Hi Hartley,
You’re indeed correct on the behavior. I’d suggest raising a query on the github to see if this is how the widget is expected to behave.