Resizing Images On-the-fly

Hello Makers, Our application uses a lot of images. The images are uploaded by the user and hence we have no control on the size of image that user uploads. Also, we need to show the same image uploaded by user at multiple places (in different sizes) in the application. The problem occurs when the image is large in size. The application takes a lot of time to load those images on the page and until they are loaded other operations are slowed down as well. One solution would be to restrict the size of the image which a user can upload, but I am looking for something else. Is there a way to resize the original image on the fly and show only a lighter version of that image, so that it loads quickly. I have read about a lot of java libraries being out there but could not find anything concrete. 
2 answers

Maybe check out Appronto’s set of Commons (link: There’s an action in there called Crop Image which might help?


Have you looked at the Image Crop module?  It includes functionality for scaling an image.  You could save copies of the image in the sizes the app requires and then load them where appropriate.
