Not showing the list of data on page

I added a one logic for on change event of dropdown to get list of data according selected value like draft completed and  resolved. I got a list on microflow according to selected value but not showing on page , How to solve this problem, I used dataview to used that enumeration dropdown and called list on OnChange event of that microflow and listView to showing the list which I get through OnChange event.    
3 answers

Hi Saryu,

First a quick tip to improve readability and maintainability of your app: the coding convention for microflows which are use as datasource microflows is to use the prefix DS_ (

Second, it looks a bit weird to me that you create an object that you use for the search filter (ACT_CreateNewGambaObjectForSearch) which is of the same entity as the objects you are searching. I would separate the two in different entities, so you have a clear separation of concerns.

Finally, i think you need a third microflow, which is the on-change microflow attached to the “Gemba change” field. The only thing that microflow needs to a refresh the Gemba object it receives. The refresh triggers a reload of the list view.

Does that do the trick?


Could you please elaborate more with screenshot?


Please find the image and microflow ss I used dropdown for selecting a Gemba Stages After selecting gemba stage search result should get according to that selected value. I got result correct when I debug the microflow I got filter list according to selected Gemba stage but it is not showing on the page , It is showing whole list of gemba.Could you please help me on that?
