Screen Recording in Mendix.

Hi, I wanted to implement screen recording functionality in my application similar to what we are provided with in Zoom calls or Microsoft Teams (on clicking the record button the screen recording will start and it will capture all the activities performed by the user and after clicking on stop the user can save the recording on system or view it).  (I did come across Performance recorder but did not understand how it has to be used in the application  Link: So how can the functionality be achieved is there any widget available for it, or any other solution do let me know. Expected Output:
1 answers

Good day,

In general there is no functionality standardized to capture the screen within mendix and I would recommend to also not implement such a feature from an User Experience point of view.

The question I would like to ask you in this case is: What is the intended purpose of the recording?

  • Do you want users to film their interaction for communication purpose on errors?
  • Do you want to be able to see what they are seeing to help them when they run into problems?

There are some tools that can help with recording movements of users for analysis purposes such as HotJar and if you want to capture the screen for feedback purposes, the standard Mx Feedback Widget would be sufficient.


In general, it is sometimes easier to use an external program for such features (MS Teams for example), than to implement it directly into an application (screen capturing tends to be heavy on performance)


Hope this helps

with kind regards,

Geoffrey Doornbosch

Mendix Consultant and UX/UI Expert
