Enumeration suppressing choices?

Hi I have an enumeration called Action with three values: A,B,C and use it as a radiobutton on pages. In One page I need value A: on another page 2 need value B or C. How can I do this: - Page 1: can be done by setting the value to A and the radio button to read only. - Page 2:  - I cannot find if and how to suppress 1 or 2 values in the radiobutton on page 2 - I already created a new enumeration SubAction with values B,C : but assigning a variable of type SubAction to attribute Action, gives an enumeration error mismatch (should be of type enumeration Action). - I can change the enumerations to type string and create validations, but that seems a workaround. I think there must be a proper way to handle this?   Futhermore: - in the situation I use SubAction. I want to suppress value B if an other attributes <= 0 others wise values B,C are allowed. but first things first.   Anybody examples? Thanks already.  
2 answers


Take a look at dynamic enum picker where enum can be displayed dynamically


Hope it helps!!!


So far so good: to suppress values as my question 1: SUPER ! thanks

I’m struggling with my second question


- in the situation I use SubAction. I want to suppress value B if an other attributes <= 0 others wise values B,C are allowed.

but first things first.

Do you have an example of a translatable key expression to say ‘if entity.A < 0 then B else C’ or is this not the intention of the item.


Kind regards

