how to implement SweetAlerts Toastr Notification

Hellou Mendixer :) Does someone have experience with the SweetAlerts2 Toastr Notifications?  Mendix Marketplace - SweetAlert2 - Toast & Notification   i did this: ) Copy the contents of the folder “javascriptsource\sweetalert2\vendor” to “theme\web” ) Copy the “index-example.html” file located in your “deployment\web” folder to “theme\web”. Rename   to “index.html” ) Add the line <script src="sweetalert2.all.min.js"></script> in the head of this html, below <meta ...> tag (line 8) ) Add the "sweetalert2.min.css" in the “cssFiles” list in the “theme\web\settings.json” file   then i set a button to call te nanoflow : ACT_CreateAlert_Toast_Default   i get this error in the console: 404 - file not found for file: sweetalert2.min.css   What im doing wrong here? thanks in advice for tips
2 answers

do you have the right path to the sweetalert2.min.css file?

Try putting it into theme/web folder.



Hej Thomas,

Great! thank you.

Youre right, the 2 Files ( sweetalert2.min.css , sweetalert2.all.min.js) have to be in the Theme/web.


Now it works! thx
