Email Issue

My Test mail working fine. but my requirement is that once I have created a template in mail setting I don’t need to create it aging and again . Can  I pass it to in microflow as parameter and use same template , I want to pass dynamic data to my email template How can I achieve this ? suppose A user registered and I want to share user’s detail to admin ?
3 answers

Hi Nisha,

You can go through this , In this process, when you use “RetrieveTemplateAndSendEmail” microflow , you can retrieve template with your created template’s name. 

With this , you can use dynamic data for the same template. Hope this helps!


Hi Nisha, 

Do You what to have just one template to notify your Admin, and dynamically change the content of the Email Body with User’s data? Is that write?


If so, and i presume you are using Email Template module:

You can change your Html in microflows in many different ways!

The easiest to show of : Append new data to a new created “EmailTemplate.Email” HtmlBody attribute. (like bellow)

Other options?



I hope this helps ,

Best regards.


Hi I have passed template name into xPath but still not able to get my template. for ref I have added screenshot to answer section please check one and guide me
