Fields not editable in dataView (datasoruce: entity over assoccition)

Hi! On one page I need to display input fields from 2 entities (Quote and InsuranceProduct) that are associated (1-1, owner: both).  I have tried to do that, but the fields from the InsuranceProduct entity are not editable. Can someone please suggest how can I solve this issue?        
2 answers

Hi Eva,


Product Quote is having the object but the association doesn’t have the object.

To achieve that call the DS microflow in 1st data view then it will work fine.

For your reference check this example.

I hope it helps.



Hi Eva, 

Create the new object for insurance and associate the same with quote. And the pass the quote object to page. Now open the page. You will be able to see editable fields.

Basically you have to create an objects for both and associate the same before calling the page
