Datagrid 2 width is not taken whole width of container

Hello Team , In my case I’m using datagrid 2 for displaying the data and it is having a only 2 columns and I took the datagrid inside the container and I gave the border for the container . Now the grid is having the half of the width of the container . Because it is only having two columns . I gave a style of grid width is 100% . when I try to give that It is taken 100% of container . Means the pagination button is end of the container  but still having the half of width of container only .  I try to give manual width for column as well but it is not taken .  Can anyone give a suggestion for how can I display the two columns having full width of container .  I have added the image pls check the image .  
1 answers

check your page size in property of the data grid 2

make sure container render mode is div or not


second option to debug inspect your data grid 2 and see which element is placed after your data grid

