Container is moving outside of the screen while expanding the navigation

Hello All, In my case I have a container and inside that container having a data grid 2 . I gave a fixed width and height for container. These are the listed styles I gave for container , position : fixed ; border-top: 3px solid #c5c5c0; box-shadow: 0 0 1px #707782, 0 1px 3px #2d3642; min-width : 76%; max-width : 90%; min-height :77vh ; max-height : 78vh ; overflow-y : auto ; overflow-x : hidden ; margin-top : -32px;   Now the container is covered the ¾th of the screen . I need to display the container full width of the screen . For that I increased the min-width to 89% . The width is good without expanding the navigation. While expanding the navigation it is not getting adjust by screen .Means the container is moving outside of the screen . Can anyone give me suggestion for responsive container with fixed height . Thanks in Advance!   
1 answers

Hi Vinodhini,


Try below css: you will get horizontal  scroll for datagrid


position : relative;
border-top: 3px solid #c5c5c0;
box-shadow: 0 0 1px #707782, 0 1px 3px #2d3642;
min-width : 76%;
max-width : 90%;
min-height :77vh ;
max-height : 78vh ;
margin-top : -32px;
