Redirecting to the Page after establishing session on LinkedIn in Mendix application

Hello everyone, My Scenario is: When a new user logins in to the application for the first time they have to complete their Profile Details (general things like: Picture, DOB) and on the same form there is option ‘Do you want to Post about your new job on LinkedIn?’. If user checks it then a pop-up page opens where they have to first register using their linkedin email and once it is done then it will redirect to the same Profile completion page where the Post button will displayed.  Note: Mendix version is 9.6.1   Issue: I am able to establish the connection with LinkedIn as mentioned above but the problem that I am facing, after the connecting Mendix application with LinkedIn, for redirection I specified a URL for the page and gave it in the connector module (I am using LinkedIn Share Module) microflow which is used in redirection even after specifying it, the application is redirected to the Home-login screen.   The module that I Have used for establishing with LinkedIn is ‘LinkedinConnector’ and other modules that were used were CommunityCommons, Encryption, JsonPath and for SSO we have used OAuth 2.0 developed by Clever which is no longer available in the marketplace.   For now I have not used the checkbox on complete profile page for new user, I am using on Profile page (when the profile is complete : where user edits his/her profile to change picture)   Linkedin Module:   (Initially we have to create a session from admin side and then we can use it for other roles which is specified in the documentation) So if a user clicks the check box a pop-up box appears where in the user clicks on the linkedin icon to connect his/her linked account with mendix The checkbox: After user selects to Post i.e. ticks the check box: User needs to link his account first. So he will click on the linkedin icon which will result in a pop-up page where the email is to be entered and after clicking on Link, user is redirected to LinkedIn Sign-In page (through LinkedIn API) where they need to enter their password and then give permission to access. After this is done the page should be redirected to the above pop-up page (Account is getting linked only redirection isn’t) Enter Email: So I had given a URL to the pop-up page where it shows if your LinkedIn Account is connected or not and used in Sub_GetRedirectURLfromState microflow for redirecting it to the same page. But what was happening was after linking the account the application redirected to the Home login screen with ‘localhost:8081/#/p/Linkedin’ as URL  Microflow: (with Custom URL) But this redirected me to the homepage: So I specified the Home page URL instead of the pop-up page url which shows me the current user dashboard (like manager dashboard, engineer dashboard) So how can I redirect to the same pop-up page: So that user understands that his account is linked (as after account is linked initially Not Connected text is displayed once account is connected then tick mark is displayed after the linkedin icon).  
2 answers

Hi Sidhant,

well you can use deeplink module and you can then generate the link for that specific popup page (Don’t forget to pass the object, in order to pass your data with the show page activity). By using deeplink you can redirect your user back to the popup again.

you can refer to this doc for setting up deeplink


Hope it helps!


Hello Sidhant.

To create the link for that specific squeeze page, use the deeplink component. Just remember to pass the item in order for your information to the show page activity. You can htaccess checker to the pop-up by utilising a might seem. For instructions on how to set up a tends, see this document.
