How to Log out from Mendix app AND custom IdP (AD)

We have a Mendix application, hosted on Cloud Foundry. To access the app, the end-user has to authenticate himself through a OAM OUD. With the SAML2.0 module: this works. We are able to authenticate the user and login behavior is working as expected. We are facing issue when end-user wants to log out . We need to be able to log out the user from the Mendix-app as well as from the custom IdP (AD): redirect URL /SSO/logout. Both work separately, but we cannot log a user out of the application and out of the AD at the same time. Then we tried the use a Nanoflow flow where we are using Widget ‘Open URL’ to redirect the user to a Idp sign-out page . However, this is only clearing ObSSOCookie not the XASSESSIONID. When using the Mendix Sign-Out button it clears only XASSESSIONID not ObSSOCookie Any input would be appreciated to handle this issue.
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