Horizontal scrolling with Data Grid 2

Hi there, I have two apps and in both of them I am using Data Grid 2 to display data. For some unknown reason, the responsive behavior is different and I like to know why. In App 1, if I reduce the screen width, the columns get first squeezed and then there is a point when a horizontal scroll bar appears – this is what I want, good user experience In App 2, if I reduce the screen width, the columns get first squeezed but the horizontal scroll bar is never showing up – why is that? I have tried to give custom styling to the Data Grid 2 of App 2 (“overflow-x: auto”) – but this has no impact. Does anybody have an idea what causes this behavior? How does the switch of the horizontal scroll bar normally work? Best regards, Henning
2 answers

Hii Henning,

Try increasing the width and put it in "Scroll Container".

or use the custom style "overflow-x:auto". If the width is more than 100% then only the scroll bar will start appearing. 



Hi Vishal,

Thanks for the suggestions. I have tried all of these things but with no effect.

Best Regards,

