Calendar Widget Issue

I am having an issue with a scheduling app that utilizes the calendar widget. Recently, we have been seeing an issue where people’s calendar views are not consistent and the time slots that are scheduled are showing up on different dates for each user. The users who are experiencing this issue have the same user rights so that can’t be the issue. I am not sure where to start to figure out why this is happening and why some slots would be showing up differently. Any ideas? I have posted 2 photos below from two different users to show an example of the inconsistent calendar views.    
2 answers

Hi Molly,

May it is happening because of time zone


As Javith said I would indeed look at time zones, I would start with debugging. So make sure you can find out somewhere in a microflow what the exact start time is of the appointments you have on the calendar, keep in mind that you also have UTC time. It is possible that someone has selected a datetime that may be different due to time zones.
