Tab container open according to depending on the in filter value apply button

I have two tabs containers and in the tab container, two widgets are there we are showing data according to the filer record so here I want to show those tab containers open by default according to the selected filter value matched record those tab container open according to matched record
2 answers

With the mendix tab container widget it's not possible to display first the tab that you want dynamically, but if you only have two tabs in your page, you can create two tab container, one with the first tab as default, the other one with the second tab as default. (and you display them depending on your filter value).
Another alternative would be to try to use another widget from the marketplace
For example :


I Would Suggest to Create Separate Containers and placing your data in the corresponding container, then keeping the Visibility for containers.

Now you can put Custom CSS to make the containers look like Tabs. 
