Side Bar Not closing

I’m implementing a web application which uses a sidebar. When clicked on a hamburger menu item, sidebar expands and when clicked on a page (a navigation item) I want it to shrink back. I managed to do that by using microflows in each navigation item (refreshing page shrinks the navbar back). Is there a better way?
3 answers

You could apply dynamic classes on the sidebar → so that on entry it'll be closed.

However, like Yehoshua said, it's probably better to use a NanoFlow as there is a specific action meant for that!


My recommendation would be to make a general sub-nanoflow that calls this action, in which case you can give it arguments too (if it's opened → close it or vice versa) before navigating to the called page!


You have a “toggle side bar” action inside nanoflow, so it’s probably way more easy to use a nanoflow


With help from Mendix support I learned that if you go to the layout, find the container that has the navigation menu it in, then go the container properties > if you see the toggle mode to "push content aside" then the menu will close after a user clicks on a menu link.
