Mendix Donut chart not showing up when the values are extremely different

There is unexpected behavior with donut chart not showing up when the values are extremely different. Reoccurring scenario where the chart is not showing up when only two categories are there in the legend or two categories with the large disparity in values are selected.   Example: Category1(16,953,124.17) and Category2 (0.06)     Scenario 1 : Data is shown only when Category3 and Category4 are selected from the legend. Category3 = 0.67, Category4= 48,699,688.58   Common Scenario: When Category3 and anything else is selected the chart is not showing up.   Category2  0.01 (When Category2 and anything else is selected from the legend the chart is not showing up.) Category2 0.07 and Category3 = 320,935.41 (Graph is showing up for this.)
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