Solved with a Workaround juhu
- add a DropDownContainer to the DataGrid 2 Header
- add 11 Link Buttons in the Container with Caption ( Equal, not equal, starts with etc.)
- add 11 Text Filters and set the Default Value and Adjustable by user to false ( 1 Filter with Default Value Equals, 1 Filter with Default Value not Equals and so on… )
- Make a Enum Attribute in your User Object with all the 11 Filters
- Foreach created Link Button, create a Microflow to set the current Filter in the EnumAttribute..
6.set a Visibility to every Text Filter
The Output looks like this:
So, when you click on “Ends With” only the Filter with Default Value “Ends with” is visible and when you come back to the Page the same filter is active again.
Please let me know if there is maybe an another, easier solution too to save the default filter.
Best Regards