Free App 1 user limit doesnt seem like it enforces anything. Is upgrading to Basic package with 5 user limit going to enforce it?

Hello,   I’m about to upgrade one of my apps to Mendix Basic package but I don’t understand the user limit. On the free app I can already create any arbitrary number of users, but the package clearly says only 1 user is allowed. Does it mean only 1 user logged in to the website at any one time? Because I tested that too from different devices    Thanks, SMG
2 answers


The Mendix Free edition includes everything you need to design, build, and deploy demos, prototypes, or small applications. It includes a deployment environment for each application with unlimited users.


Good day,


To answer your question, you have different user types and according to your license type you will be restricted on that. Usually Mendix places a limit on the named users that your system can have. That is users with accounts that can sign in. They do enforce it on your system when it is running. 
