Production performance issue - slowness in populating the values in the drop down

Hello Experts,   We deployed an application in production and we are facing very very bad experience by the performance of the application. Example 1: We have a drop down values to be listed in the UI even just to show around 10 values it is taking 40 seconds. (We used custom drop down widget with search option is available)    Not only on the drop downs it’s overall in most used pages the performance was too slow, example 2 : Landing on dashboard. In the MF just a simple retrieval from the DB is used, not sure why it is taking too much of time.  Additional Information :  Concurrent Users – Around more than 150 to 300 users Total DB size – 160 GB Occupied size – 80 GB + 20 GB file storage Total RAM size – 32 GB Occupied RAM size – Nearly equal to 31 GB   Please refer to the above information. These are the configuration in the environmental setup. I suspect that this slowness is because of the concurrent users and more actions are being used to interact with the DB operation at the same time. When there are less number of users the application seems some what okay.    Please share any ideas. Answers are really much appreciated. NOTE : Sometimes it’s becoming normal and sometime it’s critical. Raised support ticket done everything I mean all the possible ways.     
3 answers


Your problem can have a lot of causes, but telling by the size of your database (80GB occupied) there might be some problems with retrieves from very large tables. 


Can you tell the amount of objects exist for the biggest tables, that are frequently retrieved from? And can you tell what entity is loaded in the dropdown and how it is retrieved, and also how big that table is (so how many objects exist in the database). Maybe also share the XPaths that are used to retrieve these objects.


It would also be helpfull if you could provide some screenshots of the metrics of you application from the production environment. Then you can see if for example the database is the problem or that you are running out of memory, or both.


How large is this dataset and does the attribute that’s being searched on have an index on it? What does the XPATH look like?


Since you’re using a custom widget, I would be more inclined to check the number of requests that are being issued to the server as the user is typing. Type ahead can be very expensive if you’re not careful. Are you sure you don’t have a memory leak in that widget and/or you aren’t bombing the runtime server with a lot of requests? That combined with a lot of memory pressure makes me think that there’s something more significant going on here.


Have you tried to switch from drop-down to a select page?

do you still have the performance problems when the select page is opening?

