Paging buttons are gone

Since i upgraded my app to 10.1.1 the paging buttons (single an double arrows left and right) and its functionality are gone when running the app, at all overviewpages at runtime.  Any one having the same? Is there a setting or whatever to turn these on again? Or any other solution?   kind regards peter
3 answers


If it’s a Data grid then check whether the Show Paging bar has been set to No or not

If it’s a Template grid then check whether the Show Paging bar has been set to No or not


Thanks, but  on all overviewpages the show paging bar with total count are set.

I thinks it’s due to something I deleted, I was testing datagrid2 on a workflow based on a nonpersistent table, and all kind of objects where created. I deleted those, but have in mind that there where components (do not remember what kind of type) referring to grid_control.


I updates all widgets, but the firstpage/lastpage/next/previous functionality on ALL overviewpages are still gone. Any idea of which components (objects activities) I have to restore and how to restore them?




I replaced data grid(s) with data grid2, now the paging bar is working again.

(and I run into a  ‘listen to’ problem, seems still not be fixed in data grid 2.)
