App extremely slow

Hi everyone   I just migrated my app to Git and also converted to Version 10.0.0. Now after publishing some changes for the first time after migrating, my app is extremely slow.   A button that opens a page takes more than 1 minute (!!!), let alone microflows which take even longer. Accessing the App in the browser also takes about a minute before the login screen appears.   In the Live Logs I can see these kind of logs but I don’t know what they say or how I can fix the problem       Can anyone help me here?
2 answers

Unsure if this is related, but our app is also facing severe loading times this morning. Although, our current version is 9.24.2.


Has your app’s performance improved yet?


Our Free app deployments have been struggling with DB queries since this morning. 

WARNING ConnectionBus_Queries: Query executed in 49 seconds and 751 milliseconds: SELECT "system$queuedtask

This is a background job using the DB and somehow became very slow today. 

This also caused that the app was constantly restarting during deployment, due to Postgresql connection error.

