Date format

Hi Experts, Hope you are doing good!   I need your help in below issue, I have a date widget, As per requirement user should be able to enter day/month/year without entering slash, once user has entered date it should be formated with slash once user leaves date widget. Same functionality i want to implement for time.   Any ideas or suggestions are welcomed. Thanks
2 answers

Hi Malay,


You can use/make a custom widget for that I saw it in some other projects; however i cannot find it in the appstore so i dont know if it is a public resource.

Otherwise you can workaround it by making a string attribute that you translate in an on change to a date, and you can work with visibility When you want to show what, but this will be a bit messy.


Hope this helps


Good luck!


Would also be a workaround..

Have multiple date picker widgets linked to the same attribute.

When no value has been entered: with a custom format like this


On leave, you will need logic to hide this field and display another one (maybe read only) with the required format.


You would then want to maybe add a small 'change date button' that will hide the second field and displays the first.

Did not test it, but might work with only standard functionality.
