suppose in library management librarian can approve the book requests

suppose in library management librarian can approve the book requests how can a librarian approve the book requests of the members in library who has requested for a book inside the app and through email ..can you explain me how can it be done whether microflows are needed for that
1 answers

Hi Adrija,


Through your explaination, I understand that  you have requirement where librarian needs to approve a book requested and email needs to be triggred. In such case you will need to create a microflow.


broad overview of how it can be achieved:

1. you will need an attribute to hold the book status(it can be enumeration with values like "requested","approved","pending" etc). and User with role "librarian" can modify this attribute.

2. Following to that you can create a flow for email triggering(refer this Email | Mendix Documentation



Hope this helps!
