how can i add renew options for books for members in library management system?

how can i add renew options for books for members in library management system? suppose a member want to renew any book but he can renew that book only two times how can we show that in library management system in the members page with the help of the microflow or with the help of the button/file?guid=19703248379254743 i have attached image below
1 answers

Dear Adrija,




You can build a domain model as above, where once the book is issued you can save the date, but if the employee clicks on renew, an object of renewal will be created and iteration will be set to one.

If an employee renews the book again, there should be a check where Iteration>2

If so show a message to the user that they cannot renew.



you can easily show these details using a data grid as below: 


Hope this is helpful!

