Random Contact your system administrator message popping-up
Hi, One of my customers has been reporting that the generic message "An error occurred, please contact your system administrator" is popping randomly in ACCP and PROD envs, without specific actions on the application. I, as a developer, am not being able to reproduce this error in both environments. Please find below the Browser console logs. I've tried to search the errors but wasn't happy yet to find a solution. Generically it's "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED" or "POST *appurl*/xas/ net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED 200 (OK), or "POST *appurl*/xas/ 502 /Bad Gateway)"
Vasco Centeno
1 answers
Hi Vasco,
it looks like your xpath on the page is failing. This could have multiple reasons, but probably one of the expressions can't be validated because of entity access.