How to create a data grid with search bar to the left?

I am often asked to create a data grid or list with search bar to the left of it, similar to filtering at or other major sites.   Is there an option available with only platform supported widgets and having to implement the search logic myself in a  datasource microflow? Custom widgets and search logic is too expensive to maintain for most apps and cause performance issues. But the filters above the grid are not the first choice of end users and UI designers.
1 answers

Hi Michiel, you can download list view control widget from the marketplace (its only work with list view)



then search on text box search from widgets and add it on the page



then make the configuration on this widget as you want and add the search attribute that you want search on it as the following 




to make it on the lift side of the page, add a layout grid (3,9) above your list view as the following 




i hope my answer help you
