how can i design a separate login page by using widgets by my own

since i am a beginner in mendix so i have used the inbuilt login forms which are there in mendix and only done some slight changes in css ...but i want to built my own creative login page in mendix how can i do that with mendix...i am uploading the following reference of the image that how i am trying to built with my own ideas can you help me with it
1 answers

Hello Adrija,


There is a Mendix learning path where is explained clearly step by step all the process of creating a custom login page, but you should enable your Anonymous user though and be careful with your security in your app.


Here is the link:


After you have done all the steps you can then design your page as every other page in Mendix without any constraint.


Let me know if there is anything you don't understand in the steps or how can I help.



