Pages with expected paramter as Starting page

  Hi everyone, I'm developing an assessment tool to evaluate a person's math aptitude. I've built the tool with all necessary questions and structured it for use by potential clients who can also delegate it to their employees. Here's the basic flow: 1. Create the assessment, which leads to an assessment overview page.2. Create the client, which leads to a client overview page.3. The client can either fill out the assessment themselves or create a list of employees who will then fill it out. For employee assessments, the client can:1. Create a list of employees.2. Click on an employee's name, which opens an individual assessment page for that employee.3. Share the assessment app via a link so each employee starts at their individual assessment page. My issue is that I don't know how to set it up so each employee starts at their individual page, primarily because the starting page would inherit a client parameter and thus can't be used as a role-based home page. How can I configure it so that once an employee logs in, they are directed to their own individual assessment page created by the client? Any tips or guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated!   Thank you for your help! Best regards
1 answers

Hi Ewan,


You can also set a microflow as a home page :)
