build logic for Teacher entering marks to every student in assigned classes for only subject he is teaching in that class?

Hi All, Actually I am trying to build an application of School Management System,in that when teacher login to application as a Teacher and Incharge,as an incharge he should add students to assigned class and not allowed to give marks and as a Teacher he should give only marks to all students but he is not allowed to enter marks in other subjects he is not teaching.I stuck with this logic ,So please give me Complete clarity with domain model as well as Overview and edit pages .  
1 answers

Hi Nagarjun,

I encourage you to check out the Mendix online learnings paths. The introduction course will teach you how to create overview and edit pages, as well as how to configure basic user roles/module roles. Then you can check out the Advance Domain Model and Advance Security modules to help you design a structure that allows a Incharge to assign students/teachers to classes, as well as restricting a teacher to only give marks to students in their classes. 

Once you complete that, if you have any specific questions about your design or process, I would be happy to help.



