Mendix for Excel Report

Can we generate the Excel report with heavy business logic with different color row in excel or can we use the POI in the background and flush the report to client browser
2 answers

If you want to add coloring and formulas, you need to alter the Java code of the Excel Exporter module. Indeed the Apache POI has all functions to properly implement this; it will be hard to make a generic implementation for this, using a template or so. A more specific implementation to your use case is definitely doable by altering the Java code.


Yes, you can generate an excel by using the Excel-exporter, but it will not have any formula's or colors. As a workaround, you can have a second Excel containing the formula's and colors and have this second Excel have a lot of cell-references to the one you download, but this gets sluggish quickly and is therefore not advisable.

What does a Pissed Of Iraqi (POI) have to do with all this? Or Point of Interest? Apache POI?

