Need advice on best practice for navigating to device specific pages

USE CASE – 3 device specific UI pages for the same information - My responsive layout (for desktops and laptops) page displays the most information at once, I’m making the  most of the broad landscape - My hybrid tablet layout is sparser than the responsive layout and utilizes modal popups for information that won’t fit, I’m optimizing the page for tablets - My hybrid phone layout is sparser than the tablet layout and also utilizes modal popups for information that won’t fit, I’m optimizing the page for phones - I’m using microflow device decisions to navigate to the page for the device being used Advice needed:  Is this the best practice?  Is there a better way to do this?  By the way, I tried some responsive layout pages, trying to make a UI that’s one-size-fits-all but it looks like garbage all three devices hence my device specific screens.    
1 answers

If you want to you could also just use one exclusive split with the variable $currentDeviceType and use the enumeration values for $currentDeviceType to determine which page you would like to show , like what is done in this microflow.
