Hello, We're using a piece of software to register customers. It's build by another company with Mendix. So I'm the user, not the developer. I can type in someone's name to find customers and get a list of results. We're having a lot of international customers with names containing special characters like æ, è, ï, etc. The search field is currently set to comparison, contains. I would like to be able to make the search easier by allowing for a wildcard. The developer tells me that Mendix doesn't allow this. In the documentation I'm not finding a clear answer, regular expressions are also possible, right? So a wildcard should also be an option. As an example of the desired end result: Search “Ang*lo” would also give me “Angélo” Search “Angelo” would also give me “Angélo” Search “Sebas* Vries” would also give me “Sebastian de Vries” What should I tell my developer? Should this be possible? Are there any examples I can show them? Any advice on this would be appreciated! Kind regards, Bob
Bob Giesberts
2 answers
There is an CommunityCommons function available: StringSimplify
This strips all the diacretic characters from a string. I you do a search while matching both fields stripped, then it is possible to retreive alse results with those characters.
Search “Angelo” would give you “Angélo” because it matches “Angelo” (stripped) with “Angelo” (stripped)
Search “Angélo” would give you “Angélo” because it matches “Angelo” (stripped) with “Angelo” (stripped)
Hans Lenting
Picking up your question from the comment that is: “Ideally a search for "Sebas Vries" would also give me "Sebastian de Vries". Are there any tools to do that? “
that seems to be in the responsibility of the tool provider – instead of looking for word match, they should have an option to look up for contains. I think you can not do much but I am interested if I am wrong here ;D