Validating input in Editable Column in Data Grid - when user does not tab out and submits the grid data

I have a annoying user experience issue. I have a editable grid that has some editable columns. The user doesn’t always tab out of the editable fields before proceeding to save the data/ hitting the save button. In that case the validation of the input is simply skipped, but when the page is refreshed; the invalid data is displayed even though it was never saved in the first place.
3 answers

Hi Bhanu,

If you add the validation check in the Save microflow as well, you can make sure the data is not committed before all data is valid. Iterate over the rows and include all checks that are included in the OnChange checks. Good luck!


not sur of what exactly is your problem but if you don’ commit an object and you see data that are not yet stored in the database, you may resolve that problem with a refresh object action, or a rollback action.


Same problem here. I think the problem is caused by that the button click is triggered first and then the onLeave/onChange of the datagrid. This is not the correct order if you want to validate the data that is entered.

Is there a way to force onLeave of the datagrid first and then the button Click?
