How to change the image in default login page?

Hello, how i want to change the image at the left and the mendix logo to my company logo in this default login page? Thank you.
1 answers

To upload your logo that is in use generally in your app you best do it in Mendix Studio: Set the branch you work on as the branch for Mendix Studio and in Mendix Studio click the pencil at the bottom left of the screen. There at step 1 you can upload your logo. Then head back to Mendix Studio Pro for the next step

That is however not the logo that is used on the login page. You can best change that by changing it in the theme/login.html:

replace this SVG “<div class="loginpage-logo">...</div>” by your own image. 

To change the login-pages image, first place your image in the theme/img directory and adjust <projectdir>\theme\styles\web\sass\app\_custom.scss using your css-editor of choice, (my preference is Visual Studio Code )

// Show only on wide screens
@media screen and (min-width: $screen-lg) {
  // Image and clipping mask
  .loginpage-image {
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-color: purple;
    background: left / cover no-repeat url("../../../img/yourbackgroundimage.jpg");
    position: relative;
    height: 50%;
    top: 25%;

Then don't forget to generate the css from your scss with your tool of choice (mine is the Visual Studio Code plugin: live Sass-compiler) and deploy it by pressing “Run locally”.
