Hello there!So I have been testing mendix because I wanted to try to create an app that lets customers upload files validated info from them, my issue is how do I download or look for this info per customer in the mendix database, I see that its store in hexadecimal, and I am kinda lost about what would be a simple solution for this, My idea was to add a button that would appear if a customer has uploaded a file, I would press it and be able to download the uploaded file.
Hi sergio,
In this case i would associate document to customer(account) entity which will be customer_document , when customer will upload document i will set this uploaded document to that association.
I would then create 1 page for customer ,in which there will be listview for all customers and you can give download button per customer and set its visibility condition as customer_document should not empty.
in that download button call a microflow with account entity as parameter , by this parameter retrieve its document and place download activity and download it.
Hope it helps!