Currently only data grid supports out of the box filtering by associations via drop down.
With list view, you need to use either hardcoded drop downs or to create filtering entity.
Data Grid 2 allows for variety of different configurations but filtering with associations via drop down isn’t possible.
Seems quite simple and useful feature to have.
It took me a while to find the feature that was released in 2.6. When you don't configure the column properties, the dropdown widget still gives an error message that says the data in the column should be an enum or boolean. Maybe this error message can be updated? Or some information can be provided in the dropdown filter widget? The dropdown widget does not imply to go to the column configuration if you want to achieve fitlering over association.
The feature is descibed in the documentation of data widgets, I know, but Mendix developers only tend to go there when they really can't figure it out in another way. If I wouldn't have read this page, I would've assumed that the feature was not available at all.
We can’t, we won’t?
The saving of the selected values is not working and Mendix does not identify it as a bug.
From my support ticket a quote: "The R&D team decided to remove this functionality because of some limitations, then to avoid future errors with this feature. We've discussed this case internally and the decision is making clear that the value can't be saved."
Do you have any update on the same?
Do you have any update on the same?
Totally agree! 100%
Finally Mendix brought the drop down by association! See the new version 2.6 of data widgets.
You can now set column properties for Drop-down filter that allow filtering over associations and use the Drop-down.
It actually works pretty good. Only exception: I have not figured out how to save the selected values, so you can use it to load the defaults. Any one had luck with it?
I agree 1000%!
Really need this..
I see that there was a minor update for the data grid 2 on the 12th of december, is there still a bigger one planned for this year in regards to the filter over assocations and the export to excel?
@Amir i hope its not planned for November because then it is postponed with a year ;)
Anyway it would be nice to get an update to see if we have been good this year.
Is this still planned for November ?
I didn’t see an update yet.
Hopefully this is released soon. Its almost December :-)
Agree! Hopefully this release is coming soon. Danny is this still planned for september?Agree! Hopefully this release is coming soon. Danny is this still planned for september?
The Common Datagrid Libraries on the market supports a lot of great features we miss in the current mendix widgets!
These widgets are key for great user experiance and performence so please bring more features of these widgets soon!
Thanks Stephan
Please add this, this would make so much sense!
I just played around with the data grid 2, although it has some nice features I totally agree with the above comment. It just doesn’t feel like a complete product.
I also miss the ability to export the data in the grid to excel. And the only way to trigger an action on a row is to use the onclick or add a custom column with buttons. Just provide an option to add buttons to the top which can use the rowobject(s) as context. It is now not possible to select multiple rows and perform an action on them.
To add to the frustration, we’ve been hearing since 2017 about this new datagrids being planned and we still not have one available which covers the features of the “old” data grid.
main feature that due to its absence currently blocks migration from datagrid to datagrid 2
100% agree too.
Data grid 2 seems like a widget ordered by product management as the most amazing feature of all, but for which development budget was finished half way or the development team working on it resigned.
Next, Mendix somehow focusses on creating a lot of new features which we might use one day, but forgets to focus on the most basic features we all need for day-to-day apps.
I agree. This is a must have. It’s currently slowing down our usage of the datagrid 2 ...
100% agree, I really hope the datagrid 2.0 can be improved alot so we finally have a good data list widget that can be used in almost all use-cases wihout any extra customizations.
Totally agree!
I agree that this would be very helpfull
I agree, this is something a major miss in Mendix portfolio. Its actually shocking that this feature is not there. Mendix needs to create some separate discussions forums for prioritization of its product strategy than relying solely on these upvotes. I get particularly surprised to see some very trivial things being mentioned in the release notes, while completely ignoring the major needs.
This is indeed a must have for Data Grid 2!!!
Agree! Espescially with multi-select support this would be very helpfull.
yet another missing feature on Datagrid 2. As long as these standard features are not in, datagrid 2 cannot be a replacement for existing widgets.
This is a must have. Datagrid has such filters, it is extremely frustrating that datagrid 2 does not have them.