Improvement of Email module with templates - Mendix Forum

Improvement of Email module with templates


At the moment, "Email module with templates" cannot simply send an HTML template created by hand-code. 
Users need to create a custom page with plain text widget to edit the html text. 

Our major customer is requesting us to provide it as a standard function of "Email module with templates" instead of creating a custom page.

I would like the "Email module with templates" to be modified so that the hand-coded HTML text can be edited directly. 

1 answers

Voted for this Idea! Often one of the first changes we make to the EmailTemplate module is adding a new tab e.g. “HTML (source)” to the snippet EmailTemplateDetails containing a Text area for the Htmlbody attribute.

Not a big change, but you have to maintain this change by every update of the EmailTemplate module.
