Please provide a app events widget also for PWA - Mendix Forum

Please provide a app events widget also for PWA


With the “AppEvents” widgets for native apps it is possible to handle various events like on load, on unload, on resume, on online, on offline, on timeout. These events are a crucial e.g. when you like to deal with losing the network connection or running periodic tasks on the client in the background.

Sadly, when it comes to PWA, the developer is “blind” regarding these events or has to find more or less ugly workarounds with JavaScript (which interferes heavily with the “lowcode” idea) 

Would be a great relief to have an “AppEvents” widget available which works also for PWA



3 answers

I've been looking for it for a few days, sadly it's not there yet, I hope Mendix will improve it soon T.T


I agree also. Maybe is this a bug?


Definitively agree with Franz.
This feature is a must have.
