Datagrid 2 - Save Filter Type - Mendix Forum

Datagrid 2 - Save Filter Type


Currently in Datagrid 2 you can save filter values but not filter type.


Datagrid 2 is being pushed as fully configurable and can save search presets, however as an example, if a user wants to save a filter before / after a certain date there is no way to do this.


It would be useful to have this functionality for text / date filters.

8 answers

Likewise, with one of our apps these enhanced filter options are very appreciated by the users but exporting the contents of the datagrid2 is limited. Instead having to build an extensive work around to get this done, it would be great if the filter types could be added to the config string or that the list parameter of the datagrid becomes available for microflows. 


Yip this is holding our back to implement a save filter feature, because the datefilter.


Totally agree!

Just saving the filter values without the operator does not make sense at all as an overall approach. Only having the filter values might be sufficient in very specific cases.

But from a general perspective, not being able to save the filter operators, renders the possibility to store filter settings useless.


We need this to use in an export microflow. We want the export to result in the same data as on screen, so we use the filter criteria. But only the string is not enough, we need to know which operator was selected to be able to implement the same logic for export. 


I'm also facing this issue. Saving the filter without the filter type is in some cases not usable at all.



I fully agree! If you save a filter >= DateTime and this will automatically reseted to = DateTime then the possibility to save make no sense and confuses the user.

Hope this widgets gets some enhancements soon!



I agree with Kevin that the ability to save the value of the filter is limited when the filtertype  is not saved.
I use the saved values tot create an OQL statement to export the selected records to a CSV file


Just seems like such an obvious miss/iteration. The former is hardly worth anything without the later!
