Very useful widget: INPUT BOX COMBO with DROP-DOWN LIST - Mendix Forum

Very useful widget: INPUT BOX COMBO with DROP-DOWN LIST


A fairly common widget for Win32-Application but not realized by Mendix.

The image below is the idea.  It behaves like Google Suggest.


4 answers



Thank you.  That's great!  I will check it out.


Hi Isuma,

I suspect the Autocomplete widget of AuraQ fits your requirements.


Robert, thank you for the reply.  I haven't tried it yet but my colleague told me that it did not work.

From the latest comment of App Store, it has a bug.

I wonder that  Input Reference Selector communicates with the server via ajax or something.  If ajax, then we can get a result of auto-complete from not only database but also the Internet.

I hope the improvement coming soon. 


Have you tried the Input Reference Selector?

It seems like that has the features you might want.
