Convert AnyChart from Custom Widget to a Pluggable Widget (so it can be used inside other Pluggable Widgets) - Mendix Forum

Convert AnyChart from Custom Widget to a Pluggable Widget (so it can be used inside other Pluggable Widgets)


Currently, AnyChart is a Custom Widget, so it can’t be used inside Pluggable Widgets like the Gallery.

(Compare Pluggable and Custom Widgets – Mx8 | Mendix Documentation)

The other Chart Widgets are all Pluggable Widgets already and they also use Plotly.js (through react-plotly.js), so part of the work is already done.

I will try to do this myself, but since i am not familiar with react or the Pluggable API yet, i will take a long time to do it.

It would be nice if someone familiar with the Chart Widgets, such as the Widget developers/maintainers, did it.

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