Pass along attribute type in typings - Mendix Forum

Pass along attribute type in typings


Currently when defining a property of type “attribute” in the XML there is no way to find out in the widgetname.editorConfig.ts what the type of that property is.

For example:

<property key="attribute" type="attribute" required="true">
		<attributeType name="String"/>
		<attributeType name="Decimal"/>
		<attributeType name="Integer"/>

Will translate to the following typings/WidgetNameProps.d.ts:

attribute: EditableValue<string | Big>;

While in WidgetName.editorConfig.ts there is no way to retrieve the type of “attribute”.

Currently the Core Mendix TextBox does have a visibility toggle based on if the attribute type is a decimal or not & the typings generated based on the xml definition also uses the attributetype.

It would be great if the attribute type is also passed along so that we can use it in the WidgetName.EditorConfig.ts & other places!

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