Drag and drop widget to allow the creation of business workflows - Mendix Forum

Drag and drop widget to allow the creation of business workflows


Hi Mendix!!


In this ever-changing world, there are many businesses where their daily workflows are constantly changing, making sure they’re always adapted to the new needs.

We want to create a Mendix application where the users are able to create/customize business workflows using a drag n drop interface. A solution that allows anyone, without the need of IT knowledge, to create and manage their own digital workflows. A No-Code application built with Mendix.


This created flows could be utilized inside the application by their creators and/or any other users that gained access to it. 


When creating a flow, each box the user drag and drops would be a step in that flow.

Then, when double clicking in each box/step, the user could define many things in that view:

Do you plan a drag and drop widget like this in the next releases? :)


Thank you!

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