Add functionality for page margins on PDF Document Generation module - Mendix Forum

Add functionality for page margins on PDF Document Generation module


When using the PDF Document Generation module I have no options to add page margins.

In theory I can add padding/margin to an element, but this only works for left and right, as if I add top/bottom padding/margin and the element overflows the page, the gap between pages doesn’t get padding applied to it.


I would love margin settings for a document page similar to the orientation and page size settings.

2 answers

No luck yet Charlie. Some contacts I have suggested that it might be on the radar for the future, since the old document template is being deprecated when the "template grid" goes away, since it's based entirely on using template grids.

Hopeful that the tool will become more usable then, or that we'll have another alternative for building documents.


I have heard good things about Word Templater modules, but have not tried them myself yet.


Any luck figuring out a solution? I am running into the same problem.
