Pluggable Widgets: setValue() on binary attributes not supported...

Hi folks, I am trying use a pluggable widget to capture an image and save it into a System.Image instance. While I am successfully capturing the SVG on the page, converting it into a BLOB, pluggable widget finally says: NO. mxui says it more elegantly: “Attribute type Binary is not supported.”  Is this *another* pluggable widget limitation? And is there hope it gets addressed? Thanks! Boris  
4 answers

Hi Boris,

File support is planned for this year and we have a dedicated team on the Pluggable Widget API's. For now Andries’ method could be an approach.

There are multiple API's we want/need to add (and the underlying architecture required for it) and to to it properly takes time. Please also note that pluggable widgets already offer quite some improvements over Dojo widgets.


Hi Boris,

Check the feature list of pluggabale widgets, you can not upload data :( The API is still in development, so maybe in the future.

If you don’t want to use the DOJO widget, there is a workaround for PIW, it to convert the data in to string representative (base64) and use a java action server site to store the data in the FileDocument

Cheers, Andries


Try using saveDocument instead of setAttribute



Hi Andrej – I am in a react/typescrippt pluggable widget environment. I don’t have at hand nor the GUID of the mendix object. I am working like in the pluggable widget “textbox” example and can set (or not!) an attribute of the context object.

Is there a way around it - apart from switching to custom widgets? 
