Datagrid scrollbars with fixed header section

Hi, I am brand new to Mendix, but looking around I have seen this is a much debated question: basically I wish to add a vertical and horizontal scrollbar to a datagrid, keeping the datagrid header vertically (but not horizontally) frozen and of course avoiding to make a mess with the filter and paging buttons. I have seen many answers which relate css advanced modifications but I did not manage to make any of them work. However I have to clarify that I am using a Mendix version (8.9.0) which is pretty ahead of all of the answers. Can someone kindly post a full solution to this problem, if there is one? [EDIT] I forgot to say that I managed to get a (bad) result by putting the grid in a container, adding scrolling to it and setting a fixed width on the grid (all using the quick “style” property) but the result is far from perfect, since of course all of the datagrid, including buttons, filters and header, scroll both horizontally and vertically. Many thanks in advance. Best regards MT
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