Is it possible to extend Mendix 8.x widgets

I am going to create a new pluggable Widget, it is a drop down list, comparing with Mendix 8.x drop-down list, it only needs add a couple of properties, Can I extend 8.x drop-down list and create my own widget? If yes, where can i get the source code?  Is Mendix 8.x drop-down pluggable widget?  Thanks.
1 answers

Dear Zhaonjie,

At the moment the core widget widget shipped with the modeler are not fully “pluggable” and can not be copied and or extended.

Beside the core widgets are not open source. I would love to see this happening in the future.

Unfortunately you have to start from a new. Luck with the tooling you can quickly scaffold a new widget and with the other public repos you might get to your goal quickly.

Cheers, Andries

