Hi Gregor,
The dev will rebuild on change
The build is a sing dev build
The release build will minify the code and remove source mapping and will move the CSS in file instead of a module.
It would be good if this info is available https://github.com/mendix/widgets-resources/tree/master/packages-common/pluggable-widgets-tools
So you could run a normal build in production. It will be slower to load (larger) and harder to overwrite the styling.
Please report issues to support, if the latest of the widget tooling is not working in a clean newly generated widget.
Cheers, Andries
Probably simply add a .eslintrc.js file to your root folder:
const base = require("./node_modules/@mendix/pluggable-widgets-tools/configs/eslint.ts.base.json");
module.exports = {
When you do a release you will have to lint it first (at least the latest version of the generator complains about linting first, not being part of the release step)
npm run lint:fix
Fix any issues that come up in the linting. Then when all set and done, run
npm run release
That should do the trick